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Espace idées

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Produit Mozaïk-Portail
Créé par Invité
Créé le 26 jan. 2023

OIM | Automated Protocols | Intervention added systematically when DONE.

Request | Systematically adding an intervention to the <observation> that triggered the automated protocol when it's "status" is changed to <DONE>.

Problem we are trying to solve | Automate a task that is repetitive. To ensure that an intervention is entered in a triggering observation. It also would save a lot of user "clicks" at the end of the day.

Why is it useful? It would take the automation one step further, hence saving much time in the "management" portion of the automated protocols triggered.

Who would benefit? The school personnel that manage the automated protocols. The reliability that the intervention is entered in the observation that triggered the protocol.

How should it work? I say this humbly, I realize that "how it should work" is a lot more complicated that what I am describing here below.

The way we see this working is in the following way:

Automated protocol when triggered - Extra status added - "Exempt" (or cancelled)

Automated protocol when triggered - Extra text field - "Explanation text field"

"Exempt" automation

If the automated protocol is changed to status "Exempt" then the principal knows that the dossier has been treated and -no action- was required. The system then creates an intervention called "Exempt", adds the "Explanation text" in the notes of the intervention and links the intervention to the observation that triggered the automated protocol.

"Done" automation

If the automated protocol is changed to status "Done" then the principal knows that the dossier has been treated and the desired action was taken. The system then creates an intervention as per the automated protocol, adds the "Explanation text" in the notes of the intervention and links the intervention to the observation that triggered the automated protocol.

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